Hey! We are so happy you are here!

Chances are you are frustrated at the cycle of overeating, self sabotage and associated guilt. You may be constantly 'starting over' with healthy eating, only to be repeatedly derailed by the inevitable stress or challenges that life may bring.

You have been holding out hope for when life is 'just a little less hectic', or when you can just stay 'more motivated' and THEN you will be able to reach your health and wellness goals. 

Well we are here to show you that there is another way. One that doesn't require your life to be perfect or your motivation to last. One that gives you tools to rewire your unsupportive, self-sabotaging habits and behaviours around food. 

You're not broken, you don't always have to struggle with overeating. You are here for a reason, and we can't wait to guide you through this life changing program. 


  • You eat when you are not hungry 
  • You eat past fulness and don't know why
  • You use food as a coping mechanism when you are tired, stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, or sad
  • You use food as a distraction or procrastination to avoid difficult tasks or situations
  • You experience binge eating and associated feelings of guilt
  • You feel like you are caught in the cycle of self-sabotage
  • You have negative self-talk regarding your relationship with food
  • You are fixated on perfection and eating one “bad” food item, can send you spiralling 
  • You feel frustrated with your inconsistent motivation, mood, and appetite 
  • You eat well for a couple of weeks then something throws you ‘off course’ and it can take weeks to get back ‘on track’ 
  • You yoyo between weight loss, weight gain and feel out of control with food
  • You feel exhausted due to the pressures of life or motherhood and use food to try to fuel more energy or as an escape
  • You feel generally disconnected from yourself and believe there must be more to life than this struggle
  • You experience feelings of helplessness and being "to far gone" when it comes to achieving your health goals
  • You have a perfectionist/all or nothing approach when it comes to eating well, and if you can't maintain perfection, you start self-sabotaging with food
  • You are worried about the long-term health implications of overeating
  • You want to set a good example and pass on healthy habits to your children
  • You want renewed self-confidence and an improved relationship with your significant other
  • You are willing to commit approx. 2-4 hours per week to the program learnings and actions

If any of the above sounds like you, we get it, that was us! We have designed this program specifically for you. 


A supported and comprehensive 8-week online program, that gives you the tools and accountability to work through destructive eating habits that have been holding you back from reaching your health goals and living the abundant life that you truly deserve. 

In this program, we share our mind-based and holistic approach to transform your eating habits, reach your health goals and feel more connected to yourself. 

By the end of this program, you will:

  • Know what to do when the urge to overeat arises
  • Reconnected with who you are, who you are meant to be and learn to live the healthy life that you have always desired for yourself
  • Get a deep understanding of how and why your overeating habit was formed and close that life chapter
  • Finally end the cycle of self-sabotage and learn how to approach yourself with understanding, love and compassion
  • Find out new, healthy techniques and tools for processing stress and emotions
  • Get a deeper sense of self-awareness, self-respect and discover your uniqueness
  • Gain the knowledge and confidence to make food choices that nourish your mind and body whilst supporting your transformation 
  • Have renewed self-confidence, increase energy levels, and regularly experience true joy
  • Stop emotionally overeating 



  • 8 x educational modules, spread over eight weeks, consisting of in-depth video content on how to overcome emotional overeating. 


  • Weekly action steps for you to complete which will propel you towards the new you.

  • Weekly one-on-one support via app.

The support app, shared with us, your program Facilitators, will keep you accountable and celebrate your accomplishments. It offers a safe space where you can be vulnerable, share your ah-ha moments, breakthroughs, and the results of your weekly action steps​​. We will view and reply to your questions and actions steps once a week via this app.


As a participant of our free online workshop '4 Support Tools to Overcome Emotional Overeating', you are eligible to receive 20% off our 8 week supported program 'End the Cycle of Emotional Overeating', but only if you sign up within the next 2 days.

Use discount code 'SAYYES20' at checkout to receive your special price.

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